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Cost EffectivenessCost engineering seeks to increase the value of capital asset investment alternatives in consideration of risks. Decision makers need the full picture of possibilities, not just "a number". This requires data, modeling, analytics, statistics; not just an estimate. |
Primary Services
Owner and consultant John Hollmann has 40+ years of experience in engineering, estimating, project control, and project system benchmarking. He has long been a leader of recommended practice development through AACE International. Since starting consulting in 2005, John has supported scores of clients in most industries including process, mining, power, and infrastructure. He is the lead author of the AACE International Total Cost Management Framework and the text "Project Risk Quantification".
Process AssessmentReview your cost engineering and related processes, practices, systems and organizations to improve capital project system effectiveness.
Methods and ToolsBespoke methods and tools for estimating, risk, databases and so on that meet needs for which commercial systems are inappropriate.
Estimates and RiskIndependent review of capital cost estimate quality. Support risk analyses contingency and reserve determination (includes use of tools)
Modeling and
![]() Example demonstration parametric risk model from the book "Project Risk Quantification Volume 1" (see for full, cloud-based working toolset)
Want to learn more?

Owner and consultant John Hollmann is a strong believer in knowledge sharing and life long learning. In addition to the TCM Framework and Project Risk Quantification texts, John writes articles (many available on this site), makes presentations, and conducts webinars and training. He often posts articles in LinkedIn. He is and honorary life member and Lifetime Achievement Awardee of AACE International where he has been the primary contributor to many of their Recommended Practices. He is a PE (ret'd) and has CCP, CEP, and DRMP certifications from AACE.
About Us
John Hollmann is the owner and principle consultant located in the US (northern Virginia).
Validation Estimating also has an alliance with Koff & Guerrero Consultants (Chile) to offer ValidRisk risk tools.
Validation Estimating also has an alliance with Koff & Guerrero Consultants (Chile) to offer ValidRisk risk tools.